The CAMPUS INTERNATIONAL ALADFI is organised over a period of 15 days in the same place of work and residence (La Ferme de Villefavard in Limousin (France)).

This 3d edition includes:


              ·  7 training courss

              ·  An open workshop:  violin making and bow making

              ·  Listening and tuning workshops with the presence of a quartet in residence, a concert

              ·  Talks, presentations, conferences…

              ·  Many moments of meetings and conviviality: like on saturday the 25th May,  an open afternoon including the visit of the worlshops, the projection of the documentary film Les Arbres qui chantent by Laurent Sorcelle , Dîner Food-trucks, and the concert of the quatuor Akhtamar

Registration request form for courses and workshop

CONTACT address: